Tuesday, October 30, 2007

sprichst you magyar? si, bineinteles

today I wanted to talk about a completely different topic. still, because I received two comments already regarding the fact that my blog is in english I thought about laying out a different issue . so today the thing I ask you to consider is languages!
we all know that in the past 10 years english gained a well deserved place as a world wide spoken language. so, to clear things up with everyone out there: this blog is in english because I hope people of other nationalities will read it! having that cleared out I can go on...
so what is the first thing that strikes us when entering a foreign country? except for the view of course. it's the language! and how many times you felt intelectually challenged because you found yourself in the impossibility to communicate? don't you just love it, when that someone else you are talking to speaks a language you can understand? english happens to be that other language for the greatest percent of the world's population. you'll hear it in Europe, Asia, Africa, Astralia, Northern America and sometimes in Latin America as well.
most people, at least in my country, think that if you abuse of the use of english, you are being snobbish. so not true! when you have to deal with so many english speakers you find yourself incapable to think in your native language at a certain point. of course it would be dumb and full of bad taste thing, to address to someone you know doesn't speak the language in english, but if you talk to people who do speak it, why bother? why not practicing, huh?
besides, this is not about english. this is about any other language one speaks as a foreign language except for his mother tongue. it makes things easier for people as communicators. my opinion is that everyone should set a goal as to study one more foreign language. could be any language. and it would be even better if it would be something different than english. why? because there is this big tendency, as I said in the begining, to use english as a world wide language. this will lead eventually to globalization at a linguistic level. it is a good thing as long as it does not 'kill' the other languages. each country has its own culture and this culture is partly expressed by language. I think one country's individuality should be preserved but at the same time we should be able to communicate with any person from another country without any problems. and if english gained this status, what the heck? Let's speak it ladies and gentlemen from all over the world! gute nacht! buona notte! jo estet! buenas noches! noapte buna!(and that sums up the languages I speak :P)

Monday, October 29, 2007

beautiful (or not that beautiful) stranger

I woke up this morning thinking 'this is gonna be my day'. and it is likely it will. but that is not what I want to talk about. today's topic is 'looks'. how many movies about 're-inventing look' have you seen? remeber 'ugly betty', or 'the shape of things' or so many weekly tv shows about how to ghange your style and appearance. what is wrong with that, you will probably ask. well... nothing! actually, at a closer look everything is wrong!
I have never been considered the pretty one. during highschool I was always regarded as the funny one. it did not matter that much at the time and probably I did not realize it mattered that much afterwards either, but somehow it made me dislike very pretty women. (of course it doesn't apply to men beacuse God knows I love beautiful men). ok. so where lies my problem? it is all in the attitude. have you realized that dealing with a pretty person seems so much easier that dealing with someone not that pretty? have you ever felt discriminated against because someone you felt was prettier that u? well I have. and this is not about being pretty or not. this is not about whether to like or not pretty people, as it is not about to hate or not ugly people. this is about seeing people as humans not as barbie dolls (or kens). so why, when you apply for a job you have to cut your hair, or do your make-up and so on and so forth? noone will care, when you work in shifts at 3 am behind some stinky office, noone will care how you look. but goddamn if you do not look impecable at first sight!
being clean and neat has nothing to do with being pretty. beauty is a gift or a curse (depends on how you look at it), some have it, some don't; some are happy to have it, some crave to have it and few are delighted they do not have to put up with the burden of it. because believe me: being beautiful is a burden!
and yet we are in some kind of quest to be surrounded by beautiful people... has anyone ever even tried to give a chance from the beginning to someone not that pretty? of course most of us have employees, or people around us who are not the beauties of the world, but honestly, haven't you ever considered that if those around you were cuter things would have probably been just a little bit different? like 'ow the waitress that works in my motel, well she is fat and her pants look like buckets; I bet that if she would loose some of that weight and dress in a skirt, put some makeup on, she would have a lot more customers...' each of us has thought similar things at one point is our lives...
so my final pledge is... think about how you would like to be treated! people are people before it all. we all have feelings, pretty or not, trashy or slumpy, neat or well dressed, with or without makeup. but above all remember that beauty comes and goes! it's the inner beauty and the qualities of a person that last to the end...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

it is slightly awkward I began writing my blog with the topic regarding the US President. it is just an opinion I had after watching a couple of documentaries. I do believe that most of you people out there share my beliefs... or at least parts of them and I am curious of what others think and this is one of the main reasons I chose to start doing this, ... probably a bit later than I should have. on the other hand this is an introductory text and I will try to post a debate topic every day, so I guess that until tomorrow is "nighty night" boys and gals!

to Bush or not to Bush? that is the question

Today I finally finished watching Zeitgeist and the Illuminati. Zeitgeist is a documentary that talks mostly about the stupidity of mankind and the easy way in which it can be manipulated starting way back with the creation of the church as an institution. The story goes on up to present days laying on table another issue. Now this issue appears in both documentaries. Those of you who saw the films will probably know what I am talking about. For those who didn’t, the aspect I want to put on paper is the omnipresence of USA president George W Bush jr. Thing is, in none of the documentaries the President is appreciated as a good character. Now, the question that naturally arises is, why?

Why an entire nation hates its president? Why nothing has been done so far? And who controls the world politics? Both documentaries will say George W Bush! But isn’t it somehow awkward that he has lasted this long in such a high rank position in spite of everyone and everything? If he alone was the mastermind behind the War in Irak, the one who thought about all the pretexts to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs, how come, if everyone knows that, no one fought back? Personally I believe this goes far more deep than G W Bush. Illuminati writers say that it goes back to the roots of all world leaders, who, they say, are part of the Masonic Lodge, that is split in few smaller secret societies such as ‘Skull & Bones’ (this would be the one Bush family has always been part of) or ‘The brotherhood of Death’ or others.

Personally, I think this is all bull crap. Do not get me wrong! I do believe that someone is f***ing with the world politics but I do not think that these societies are a mixture of devil worshipers, but few very rich men who decided that they could own the world just by controlling it economically. Eventually, as the documentaries say as well, it is all about the money. My problem regards the way everything is presented. Secret societies have existed since the early beginnings of the history we know today. Some of them lasted as far as nowadays, some died along the way. Being paranoid about the fact we are all ruled by some funky secret society is just as dumb as believing that God is the one who rules the planet. The only real thing, at least as far as I am concerned, is that the only ones who rule are the people. I admit there might be a God out there but so far no one came back to tell us, and it is very possible that members of the Secret societies rule the world, but everything is supposition. And if the societies are secret, how come we found out about them? How come they can present initiation ceremonies and ‘genuine’ footage, if they are secret?!?!?

How can we know who was member of what society? I mean do u really think that they would be that idiot as to let us know these things; if their ultimate plan would fail? I don’t think so… so my next question is: what if in fact someone else is doing all the shit and Bush is just a puppet? What if, admitting Bush is a member of such a society, he lost track at some point and is no longer useful to the cause of the group and has to be put out?!?! What if all the stuff we see nowadays is created to mislead us? What if the manipulation that is so much talked about is just a fake? I mean what if they are manipulating the manipulation?! And what if all these secrets revealed to us by these documentaries are in fact ordered by the Masonic secret societies. If that were true, how do we know that this is not a lie as well?

I think that there are people who were born to rule and there are people who were born to be ruled. Whether we are ruled or we rule is a matter of perspective. Personally I believe I am ruling my own life. We are all bound to a codex of laws but we do not bow to a certain person and definitely not to Bush. If Irak chose to fight the war is because they had a ‘personal’ gain from it too. And let us remember who supplied Irak with weapons, money and political void? Surely the United States… I cannot believe that what is happening in the world right now is due to one man. There’s a saying that says ‘it takes two to tango’ and I believe it can be applied in all directions. Bottom line is: I do not support Bush’s policy, I do not deny his possible belong with the Masonic Lodge (that is very likely; we all know that only the very wealthy ones can be members as they pledge to donate all their wealth to the society), I just think we should give all this a different perspective. And I do not believe that Bush is the first man in the world! He might look like he’s got the power but I m sure someone else has the brain!