Thursday, November 8, 2007

I am romanian... it's in my genes!

there is a huge animosity in the past couple of days going on between my country and Italy. the reason? some roma people supposedly raped and robbed an italian citizen. so far so good. well not that good but at least is clear. problem arises when we find out that the roma man was actually a romanian citizen. now, is a well known fact, at least in Europe, that romanian citizens have been working abroad for some time now, and there are contries that actually ask romanian qualified workers to come and work legally. now, here is the big bug! as long as they have the lame romanians going there to work on wages lower than half of the minimum wage paid in the respective countries, everything is perfect. the romanian guy/gal busts his/her ass to earn almost nothing (if we consider the quality of life there) and when some f****d up gipsy hits the quiet and safe image of a country's society, and it happens he is a romanian citizen, everyone in and outside Romania has to feel ashamed!!
I am tired of being labeled all the time. there were moments in which I felt ashamed to admit I was romanian. why? because I do not have the balls to stand up and say: Yes I am romanian and I am proud! I am proud because thanks to us Gates' Microsoft developed unbelievebly. I am proud that ROMANIAN mathematicians are literally "hunted" since still in university by the great international corporations. I am proud to be part of a nation that gave more "brains" to the world than any other european country.
and yet, how i wish i would be able to scream that out loud... but I can't. I can't because when a woman is raped in her own country by some filthy foreigner, i feel like I would kill him myself. and in these times all the great things we do just seem evanescent next to the bad things. I guess is in our nature to forget about the good things completely when something bad comes along...
it is sad how an entire people is regarded as such, just because of one person. it is sad how romanians have invaded Europe (and I am talking here about the lower class of romanian society, who went there to steal, rape, beg or do all kind of illegal things), it is sad Europe is using romanians, but the moment something goes wrong everyone is sent back home! it is sad that as long as we were needed for cheap labor everyone closed their eyes and made full use of the situation. it is sad that now we have to deal again with all the losers. Romania was finally becoming a european country at its full rights. now, we are pushed back! first by our filthy comrades, who instead of making us look good there, stained the face of the country big time; second by the paranoid countries that finally found a perfect pretext to sent us all back home (now that they do not need us anymore); third by our elites, who disregard us and praise the West, because they have no financial opportunity to use their capacities in their Vaterland.
I am so dissapointed! I feel sick that some western countries think they are better than us but forget that it is thanks to us they developed so much in the last years! I am sick of feeling looked down on and being regarded like some poor animal that is being given work for pitty. We are proud and intelectual, and if there are some bad romanians out there it does not mean we are all the same! and it does not mean that anyone has any right to label the romanian people... it doesn't mean...


Anonymous said...

Ai dreptate, nu am ce comenta.

Din nefericire oamenii buni pleaca, raman cei rai si Romania are de suferit. Europenizarea asta... nu e asa grozava, romanii or sa uite ca sunt romani, spiritul pur "romanesc" o sa dispara odata cu globalizarea asta...

Oameni care fac de ras Romania sunt cei care le lipsesc cei "7 ani de acasa". Si mass media are mare parte din vina, fiindca publica tot felul de nimicuri, nu sunt obiectivi, de multe ori lucreaza pt anumite persoane sau interese.

ar fi mai mult de zis... dar nu am timp acum, o sa revin.

Anonymous said...

Ai dreptate, nu am ce comenta.

Din nefericire oamenii buni pleaca, raman cei rai si Romania are de suferit. Europenizarea asta... nu e asa grozava, romanii or sa uite ca sunt romani, spiritul pur "romanesc" o sa dispara odata cu globalizarea asta...

Oameni care fac de ras Romania sunt cei care le lipsesc cei "7 ani de acasa". Si mass media are mare parte din vina, fiindca publica tot felul de nimicuri, nu sunt obiectivi, de multe ori lucreaza pt anumite persoane sau interese.

ar fi mai mult de zis... dar nu am timp acum, o sa revin.

Anonymous said...

In romania frumoasa care este , majoritatea massmediei sa ii zicem "prost media" sau "cal verde pe pereti media" ofera numai emisiuni despre vedete si omoruri in loc adevarul real care se intampla in exteriorul tarii si in nici un caz ceea ce se intampla in realitatea de zii cu zii.

Romanii cei care au ramas in romania si noua generatie au ajuns "cobaii" unui regim al materialismului si paranoiei in masa cauzata de cine ? De un amarat de televizor si radiou care vinde minciuni.

Spalarea creierilor si docilizarea prin media care se practica in comunism se practica si acum in romania dar inainte poate nu era asa de atroce si atacanta cum este acum, ignorandu-se adliteram juramantul lui Hipocrate multi psihologi/psihiatrii obsedati de bani aplica tehnici ale "mainpularii maselor umane" in scopuri contrare etici si moralei.

Da roamnii sunt destepti pacat ca multi dintre ei au fost slabiti de saracie ajungand in depresie au ajuns sa creada in bani si minciuni si s-au lasat fara voie reprogramati mental.

Rezultatul ? Cred ca il vezi si tu zilnic ?

Cica alte popoare sunt mai inteligente ? Oare ? Undeva prin stirile BBC se spune ca in Franta cu frumosul ei Turn Eifel , frantuzoaicele au ajuns sa se prostitueze sa aive unde sa locuiasca ?! Asta nu se intampla in romania , si cica ei sunt mai "civilizati".

Oare mi se pare doar mie ?! Sau este prea mult mesaj sexual pe televiziuni ? Oare umanitatea se rezuma doar la "bling bling" ?!

Da Microsoft este plin de romani,Da spitale multe sunt pline de cardiologi si medici chirurgi si vindeca oamenii indiferent de rasa si culoare ? Care se ascund sa isi vorbeasca limba materna si anume "romana"

Iti doresc cat mai putin stres ;) interesant blog