Sunday, November 18, 2007

what goes up... most of the time goes way down...

I cannot remember the last time I felt truly amazed by something or someone. no doubt there were amazing moments in my life and no doubt I met beautiful and interesting people along the way... but right now I feel empty in a weird way that is unfamiliar. I felt empty loads of times but I always thought that it was some transitory feeling of regret and unfulfilied. yeah well... this time is different... I feel like I've been drinking all night and now I am recovering from terrible hangover. it's just that the drink was ecstatic, unexplained joy I felt yesterday and the hangover is the confusion and lack of energy, closely followed by mere depression I encounter today...
I bet everyone felt like this at least one time... the question for today is: how does one get out of this state of mind... I mean does one?!

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